1 December, 2015 1:00 PM
Andy Beckman <andy.beckman@gmail.com>
To: Dev Beckman <devbeckman@gmail.com>
Re: No Subject.
email controls

Devon, you are being dramatic, ridiculous as always. You have always been this way. Quit being foolish and talk to your mother. The both of you, I swear, you are one in the same. Call me so we can further this conversation and act like adults. I'll be stopping by your gallery at some point this week. Do not avoid me, please. Maybe I can help you out some with your work.

Did you and Oliver manage to work things out? That's wonderful. You see, I knew you were overreacting when you mentioned divorce before.

- Andy

On Sunday, 29 November, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Dev Beckman <devbeckman@gmail.com> wrote:


You'd think that a man of your 'caliber' would be smart enough to take the hint that I'm not responding to you for a reason. I've told you this before, I want nothing to do with you. I've finally had a breakthrough in my life and no longer need to be dragged down by your negativity. My mother isn't playing a game. She's very adamant about divorcing you and doesn't seem to be backing down. Seeing as how she's had a lawyer at your doorstep every other week. Let her go. Let her be happy for once in her life.

I think that you need to take a step back and really evaluate your life. You should think, for once, about someone other than yourself. Maybe then you would see that you are both so much better off without each other. Please, stop contacting me. I put up this wall for a reason, because I need it. I need to focus on my own life, my children (as you like to call them. because referring to them as your grandchildren must be extremely fucking difficult for you), and my husband.

I'm done. Don't respond to this.

- Devon

On Friday, 28 November, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Andy Beckman <andy.beckman@gmail.com> wrote:


Why haven't you been answering my phone calls? I feel as though we're stuck in a game of phone tag because I can never seem to reach you when you're around your phone. I've been trying to contact you because I need to speak to your mother. She won't return my calls, texts or email attempts. It's important that I reach her. We both know how foolish that she's been with this entire divorce thing. You agree with me, I know. Your mother and I are meant to stay together. We've lasted forty years what is the point of quitting now? Tell your mother to quit playing foolish games and to contact me.

I hope that your holiday went well. Tell your children that I said hello.

- Andy